Documentation (v2.1)

Minescript v2.1 docs

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Previous version: v2.0

Latest version: latest

In-game commands

Command basics

Minescript commands are available from the in-game chat console. They’re similar to Minecraft commands that start with a slash (/), but Minescript commands start with a backslash (\) instead.

Python scripts in the minescript folder (within the minecraft folder) can be run as commands from the in-game chat by placing a backslash (\) before the script name and dropping the .py from the end of the filename. E.g. a Python script minecraft/minescript/ can be run as a Minescript command by entering \build_fortress in the in-game chat. If the in-game chat is hidden, you can display it by pressing \, similar to pressing t or / in vanilla Minecraft. Parameters can be passed to Minescript script commands if the Python script supports command-line parameters. (See example at Script input below).

Minescript commands that take a sequence of X Y Z parameters can take tilde syntax to specify locations relative to the local player, e.g. ~ ~ ~ or ~-1 ~2 ~-3. Alternatively, params can be specified as $x, $y, and $z for the local player’s x, y, or z coordinate, respectively. ($ syntax is particularly useful to specify coordinates that don’t appear as 3 consecutive X Y Z coordinates.)

Optional command parameters below are shown in square brackets like this: [EXAMPLE]. (But leave out the brackets when entering actual commands.)

General commands


Usage: \ls

List all available Minescript commands, including both Minescript built-in commands and Python scripts in the minescript folder.


Usage: \help NAME

Prints documentation for the given script or command name.

Since: v1.19.2


Usage: \copy X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 [LABEL] [no_limit]

Copies blocks within the rectangular box from (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2, Y2, Z2), similar to the coordinates passed to the /fill command. LABEL is optional, allowing a set of blocks to be named.

By default, attempts to copy a region covering more than 1600 chunks are disallowed. This limit can be relaxed by passing no_limit.

See \paste.


Usage: \paste X Y Z [LABEL]

Pastes blocks at location (X, Y, Z) that were previously copied via \copy. When the optional param LABEL is given, blocks are pasted from the most recent copy command with the same LABEL given, otherwise blocks are pasted from the most recent copy command with no label given.

Note that \copy and \paste can be run within different worlds to copy a region from one world into another.

See \copy.


Usage: \jobs

Lists the currently running Minescript jobs.


Usage: \suspend [JOB_ID]

Suspends currently running Minescript job or jobs. If JOB_ID is specified, the job with that integer ID is suspended. Otherwise, all currently running Minescript jobs are suspended.

See \resume.


Usage: \z [JOB_ID]

Alias for \suspend.


Usage: \resume [JOB_ID]

Resumes currently suspended Minescript job or jobs. If JOB_ID is specified, the job with that integer ID is resumed if currently suspended. If JOB_ID is not specified, all currently suspended Minescript jobs are resumed.

See \suspend.


Usage: \killjob JOB_ID

Kills the currently running or suspended Minescript job corresponding to JOB_ID. The special value -1 can be specified to kill all currently running or suspended Minescript jobs.


Usage: \undo

Undoes all the /setblock and /fill commands run by the last Minescript command by restoring the blocks present beforehand. This is useful if a Minescript command accidentally destroyed a build and you’d like to revert to the state of your build before the last command. \undo can be run multiple times to undo the build changes from multiple recent Minescript commands.

Note: Some block state may be lost when undoing a Minescript command, such as commands specified within command blocks and items in chests.

Advanced commands


Usage: \minescript_commands_per_cycle NUMBER

Specifies the number of Minescript-generated Minecraft commands to run per Minescript processing cycle. The higher the number, the faster the script will run.

Note: Setting this value too high will make Minecraft less responsive and possibly crash.

Default is 15.


Usage: \minescript_ticks_per_cycle NUMBER

Specifies the number of Minecraft game ticks to wait per Minecraft processing cycle. The lower the number, down to a minimum of 1, the faster the script will run.

Note: Setting this value too low will make Minecraft less responsive and possibly crash.

Default is 3.


Usage: \minescript_incremental_command_suggestions BOOL

Enables or disables printing of incremental command suggestions to the in-game chat as the user types a Minescript command.

Default is false.

Since: v2.0 (in prior versions, incremental command suggestions were unconditionally enabled)

Python API

Script input

Parameters can be passed from Minecraft as input to a Python script. For example, consider this Python script located at minecraft/minescript/

import sys

def BuildFortress(width, height, length):

width = sys.argv[1]
height = sys.argv[2]
length = sys.argv[3]
# Or more succinctly:
# width, height, length = sys.argv[1:]
BuildFortress(width, height, length)

The above script can be run from the Minecraft in-game chat as:

\build_fortress 100 50 200

That command passes parameters that set width to 100, height to 50, and length to 200.

Script output

Minescript Python scripts can write outputs using sys.stdout and sys.stderr, or they can use functions defined in (see echo, chat, and execute). The functions are recommended going forward, but output via sys.stdout and sys.stderr are provided for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Minescript.

Printing to standard output (sys.stdout) outputs text to the Minecraft chat as if entered by the user:

# Sends a chat message that's visible to
# all players in the world:
print("hi, friends!")

# Since Minescript v2.0 this can be written as:
import minescript"hi, friends!")

# Runs a command to set the block under the
# current player to yellow concrete (assuming
# you have permission to run commands):
print("/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ yellow_concrete")

# Since Minescript v2.1 this can be written as:
minescript.execute("/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ yellow_concrete")

When a script prints to standard error (sys.stderr), the output text is printed to the Minecraft chat, but is visible only to you:

# Prints a message to the in-game chat that's
# visible only to you:
print("Note to self...", file=sys.stderr)

# Since Minescript v2.0 this can be written as:
minescript.echo("Note to self...")

minescript module

From a Python script in the minescript folder, import the minescript module:

import minescript


Usage: execute(command: str)

Executes the given Minecraft or Minescript command.

If command doesn’t already start with a slash or backslash, automatically prepends a slash. Ignores leading and trailing whitespace, and ignores empty commands.

Note: This was named exec in Minescript 2.0. The old name is still available, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

Since: v2.1


Usage: echo(message: Any)

Echoes message to the chat.

The echoed message is visible only to the local player.

Since: v2.0


Usage: chat(message: str)

Sends the given message to the chat.

If message starts with a slash or backslash, automatically prepends a space so that the message is sent as a chat and not executed as a command. Ignores empty messages.

Since: v2.0


Usage: screenshot(filename=None)

Takes a screenshot, similar to pressing the F2 key.


  • filename: if specified, screenshot filename relative to the screenshots directory; “.png” extension is added to the screenshot file if it doesn’t already have a png extension.


  • True is successful

Since: v2.1


Usage: flush()

Wait for all previously issued script commands from this job to complete.

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_name()

Gets the local player’s name.

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_position(done_callback=None)

Gets the local player’s position.


  • done_callback: if given, return immediately and call done_callback(return_value) asynchronously when return_value is ready


  • If done_callback is None, returns player’s position as [x, y, z]


x, y, z = minescript.player_position()


Usage: player_hand_items(done_callback=None)

Gets the items in the local player’s hands.


  • done_callback: if given, return immediately and call done_callback(return_value) asynchronously when return_value is ready.


  • If done_callback is None, returns items in player’s inventory as list of items where each item is a dict: {"item": str, "count": int, "nbt": str}

Since: v2.0


Usage: player_inventory(done_callback=None)

Gets the items in the local player’s inventory.


  • done_callback: if given, return immediately and call done_callback(return_value) asynchronously when return_value is ready


  • If done_callback is None, returns items in player’s inventory as list of items where each item is a dict: {"item": str, "count": int, "nbt": str}

Since: v2.0


Usage: player_press_forward(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops moving the local player forward, simulating press/release of the w key.


  • pressed: if True, go forward, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_backward(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops moving the local player backward, simulating press/release of the s key.


  • pressed: if True, go backward, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_left(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops moving the local player to the left, simulating press/release of the a key.


  • pressed: if True, move to the left, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_right(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops moving the local player to the right, simulating press/release of the d key.


  • pressed: if True, move to the right, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_jump(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player jumping, simulating press/release of the space key.


  • pressed: if True, jump, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_sprint(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player sprinting, simulating press/release of the left control key.


  • pressed: if True, sprint, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_sneak(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player sneaking, simulating press/release of the left shift key.


  • pressed: if True, sneak, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_pick_item(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player picking an item, simulating press/release of the middle mouse button.


  • pressed: if True, pick an item, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_use(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player using an item or selecting a block, simulating press/release of the right mouse button.


  • pressed: if True, use an item, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_attack(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player attacking or breaking a block, simulating press/release of the left mouse button.


  • pressed: if True, press attack, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_swap_hands(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops moving the local player swapping hands, simulating press/release of the f key.


  • pressed: if True, swap hands, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_press_drop(pressed: bool)

Starts/stops the local player dropping an item, simulating press/release of the q key.


  • pressed: if True, drop an item, otherwise stop doing so

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_orientation()

Gets the local player’s orientation.


  • (yaw: float, pitch: float) as angles in degrees

Since: v2.1


Usage: player_set_orientation(yaw: float, pitch: float)

Sets the local player’s orientation.


  • yaw: degrees rotation of the local player’s orientation around the y axis
  • pitch: degrees rotation of the local player’s orientation from the x-z plane


  • True if successful

Since: v2.1


Usage: players()

Gets a list of nearby players and their attributes: name, position, velocity, etc.

Since: v2.1


Usage: entities()

Gets a list of nearby entities and their attributes: name, position, velocity, etc.

Since: v2.1


Usage: getblock(x: int, y: int, z: int, done_callback=None)

Gets the type of block at position (x, y, z).


  • done_callback: if given, return immediately and call done_callback(return_value) asynchronously when return_value is ready


  • if done_callback is None, returns the block type at (x, y, z) as a string


block_type = minescript.getblock(x, y, z)


Usage: getblocklist(positions: List[List[int]], done_callback=None)

Gets the types of block at the specified [x, y, z] positions.


  • done_callback: if given, return immediately and call done_callback(return_value) asynchronously when return_value is ready


  • if done_callback is None, returns the block types at given positions as list of strings

Since: v2.1


Usage: await_loaded_region(x1: int, z1: int, x2: int, z2: int, done_callback=None)

Notifies the caller when all the chunks in the region from (x1, z1) to (x2, z2) are fully loaded. This function is useful for making sure that a region is fully loaded before setting or filling blocks within it.


  • done_callback: if given, return immediately and call done_callback(return_value) asynchronously when return_value is ready


  • if done_callback is None, returns True when the requested region is fully loaded.


[1] Don’t do any work until the region is done loading (synchronous / blocking call):

print("About to wait for region to load...", file=sys.stderr)

# Load all chunks within (x, z) bounds (0, 0) and (320, 160):
minescript.await_loaded_region(0, 0, 320, 160)

print("Region finished loading.", file=sys.stderr)

[2] Continue doing work on the main thread while the region loads in the background (asynchronous / non-blocking call):

import minescript
import threading

lock = threading.Lock()

def on_region_loaded(loaded):
  if loaded:
    print("Region loaded ok.", file=sys.stderr)
    print("Region failed to load.", file=sys.stderr)

# Acquire the lock, to be released later by on_region_loaded().

# Calls on_region_loaded(...) when region finishes 
# loading all chunks within (x, z) bounds (0, 0)
# and (320, 160):
    0, 0, 320, 160, on_region_loaded)

print("Do other work while region loads...", file=sys.stderr)

print("Now wait for region to finish loading...", file=stderr)

print("Do more work now that region finished loading...", file=stderr)


Usage: register_chat_message_listener(listener: Callable[[str], None])

Registers a listener for receiving chat messages. One listener allowed per job.

Listener receives both incoming and outgoing chat messages.

See also register_chat_message_interceptor() for swallowing outgoing chat messages.


  • listener: callable that repeatedly accepts a string representing chat messages

Since: v2.0


Usage: unregister_chat_message_listener()

Unegisters a chat message listener, if any, for the currently running job.


  • True if successfully unregistered a listener, False otherwise.

Since: v2.0


Usage: register_chat_message_interceptor(interceptor: Callable[[str], None])

Registers an interceptor for swallowing chat messages.

An interceptor swallows outgoing chat messages, typically for use in rewriting outgoing chat messages by calling, e.g. to decorate or post-process outgoing messages automatically before they’re sent to the server. Only one interceptor is allowed at a time within a Minecraft instance.

See also register_chat_message_listener() for non-destructive listening of chat messages.


  • interceptor: callable that repeatedly accepts a string representing chat messages

Since: v2.1


Usage: unregister_chat_message_interceptor()

Unegisters the chat message interceptor, if one is currently registered.


  • True if successfully unregistered an interceptor, False otherwise.

Since: v2.1