Script for drawing screen-aligned text.
Customizations of the rendered text include:
- position (x, y)
- color (24-bit hex string, e.g.0xaabbcc)
- scale (default = 4)
minescript v4.0
lib_java v2
Usage as standalone script:
\draw_text TEXT [X Y [HEX_COLOR [SCALE]]]
Examples as commands:
\draw_text "some text"
\draw_text "Hello, world!" 10 10
\draw_text "green text" 360 10 0x00ff00
\draw_text "hello yellow" 190 100 0xffff00
\draw_text "big red" 200 100 0xff0000 32
Example as imported library:
from draw_text import (draw_string, draw_centered_string)
import time
text = draw_string("some white text", x=20, y=20, color=0xffffff, scale=4)
text.x.set_value(25) # Move text to the right.
text.y.set_value(25) # Move text down.
text.color.set_value(0xff0000) # Change text color to red.
text.string.set_value("now it's red") # Change text string.
Update in v2:
– support for mc1.21.3