blocks_to_image v1

blocks_to_image v1

Create a PNG image file and depth map from the top-down view of a volume of blocks.



Minescript v3.1 or higher
lib_blockpack_parser v1 or higher
pypng (run: pip install pypng or pip3 install pypng)



\blocks_to_image X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 LABEL [dscale=DSCALE]


Generates a 2D image in X and Z corresponding to the
top-down view of the volume of blocks from (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2,
Y2, Z2). The generated image is named <LABEL>.png, along
with a depth map at <LABEL>-depth.png and a metadata file
<LABEL>.json containing a palette that reflects the mapping
between RGB color values and block types.


If dscale is provided, depth values in Y are scaled by <DSCALE>.


Note: Unique colors are chosen randomly for each block type. In a future version, colors should be chosen to resemble the block color.


Author: maxuser

Version: 1