eval v1

eval v1

Note: Minescript 3.1 now includes eval as a built-in script.

Executes the given parameter as Python code.



\eval <pythonCode>

Executes <pythonCode> as either a Python expression (code
that can appear on the right-hand side of an assignment, in
which case the value is echoed to the chat screen) or Python
statements (e.g. a for loop).

Functions from minescript.py are available automatically without

Multiple lines of code can be written using escaped newlines



Print information about nearby entities to the chat screen:

\eval "entities()"

(note: entities() added in Minescript v2.1)

Print the names of nearby entities to the chat screen:

\eval "for e in entities(): echo(e['name'])"

(note: entities() added in Minescript v2.1)

Import time module, sleep 3 seconds, and take a screenshot:

\eval "import time\ntime.sleep(3)\nscreenshot()"

(note: screenshot() added in Minescript v2.1)


Author: maxuser

Version: 1