image_to_blocks v1

image_to_blocks v1

Places blocks in creative mode based on the specified PNG image.



Minescript v3.1 or higher
pypng (run: pip install pypng or pip3 install pypng)



\image_to_blocks <x> <y> <z> <imagePngFile> \
    [<depthPngFile> [dscale=<depthScale>]] <orientation>

\image_to_blocks <x> <y> <z> <imageSpecJsonFile> \
    [<imagePngFile>] [<depthPngFile> [dscale=<depthScale>]] \


Loads the image at imagePngFile and sets blocks for each
pixel in the image. If depthPngFile is specified, its width and
height must match those of imagePngFile, and must be
greyscale-only format.


depthScale is an optional factor by which to divide
depth-image values. For example, a value of dscale=25.5
would map a depth-image value of 255 (where 0 is black and
255 is white) to 10.


orientation must be a comma-delimited string of world
dimensions with optional +/- sign. 2D example: x,-y maps
image x (first dimension) to world x and image y (second
dimension) to world -y; 3D example: x,-z,y maps image x (first
dimension) to world x, image y (second dimension) to world -z,
and image depth (third dimension) to world y.


imageSpecJsonFile can be used as a convenient way to
package a specification for converting an image to blocks.
The filename must end in “.json” and must contain a JSON
object with optional fields: orientation, color_map,
depth_map, depth_scale, and palette. The orientation
field is formatted like the orientation param (see above). The
color_map and depth_map fields refer to PNG filenames.
The depth_scale field is a positive float in the range [0, 255]
for scaling down depth values. The palette field must be an
array of JSON objects with fields min_alpha (int in range [0,
255]) and blocks; blocks fields may be RGB values encoded
as strings with a leading #, e.g. #15b215, and values are
types of blocks, e.g. green_wool or
oak_leaves[persistent=true]. Params passed to the
image_to_blocks command override corresponding entries
in the JSON file.


Author: maxuser

Version: 1