timer v1

timer v1

Sends a message or executes a command at the specified time.



  • Minescript v2.0 or higher
  • eval action requires eval.py



\timer <time> (chat|echo|execute|eval) <messageOrCommand>

<time> can be a countdown in hours, minutes, or seconds or a time of day. Supported formats include: 1:23am, 1:23 PM, 13:23, 10s (seconds), 5m (minutes), 2h (hours). Add * to countdown times to repeat, e.g. 5m* repeats every 5 minutes. Add * and a number to repeat that number of times at the given time interval.



Send a chat at 12 noon:

\timer 12pm chat "FYI: it is now noon"

Send a message to yourself at 12:30:

\timer 12:30pm echo "note to self: time to eat lunch"

Copy blocks labeled “timed_copy” in 2 minutes:

\timer 2m execute  "\\copy ~ ~ ~ ~64 ~64 ~64 timed_copy"

(note the double backslash before copy; this is needed to escape the
backslash within double quotes.)

Set game time to midday every hour:

\timer 1h* execute "/time set day"

Take 3 screenshots 5 seconds apart:

\timer 5s*3 eval "screenshot()"

(note: screenshot() added in Minescript v2.1)


Author: maxuser

Version: 1